Tuesday, February 23, 2021

3 Ways to Effectively Clean Your Home During Flu Season

Clean Your Home During Flu Season

Coming down with the flu is no one's idea of a good time. It's even worse when you feel immobilized and unable to do all of the little house cleaning actions you are so used to performing. But this doesn't mean you should give up. Here are 3 effective methods that will help you keep your house clean during the dreaded flu season.

1. Use Sanitizer to Wipe Germs Away

Do you have trouble remembering to clean in an adequate fashion when you have the flu? If you're busy dealing with a fever, runny nose, itchy eyes, and the like, it can be hard to remember. But this is an absolutely necessary action that you need to perform. It will go a long way toward helping others avoid the flu you are suffering from.

One of the very best things you can do to keep your home nice and clean is to make good use of an alcohol free hand sanitizer. There are plenty of excellent new models available at your local grocery store or on the world wide web. The ones that don't contain alcohol are best if you have skin that is equally irritated by this particular substance.

You can take a baby wipe or soft towel and gently spray down each area of your home, particularly table and kitchen countertops. This will be a great way to clean up after yourself in case you've had a sneezy fit or runny nose. It will quickly clear away the mess while also keeping the area sanitary for everyone else.

It's a good idea to get into the habit of wiping every surface clean after you have vacated it. This will be a habit that others can pick up from you so that everyone gets into the act. It may seem a little obsessive or compulsive at first. But, when you consider the odds we're all up against, it's well worth the extra bit of fuss.

2. Vacuum Anything and Everything

The surfaces of your house will be prime areas where the flu virus can congregate and multiply. The flu season is the prime time of year when infectious viruses can lay you and your family low. This is all the more true during the past year when the Covid-19 virus has turned into a pandemic that is threatening the health of many millions.

One of the easiest things you can do to keep your home clean during the flu season will be to vacuum anything and everything. This includes every surface that you put your hands or feet on. Give your rugs and carpets vigorous vacuuming every day and don't deviate from this routine. If you're too sick, get a kid to do it for you.

Vacuuming has an immediate effect on germs just as it does on average dirt and grime spots. It's a great way to prepare a surface to be wiped down and disinfected. You can first vacuum up an area, then pour a bit of ammonia on it to finish killing the rest of the germs. It's a tedious but effective strategy that yields excellent results.

3. Wipe Down Your Windows and Doors

A prime area for flu germs that people hardly ever think about will be the windows and doors of your home. This is an area where people are coming and going, often pausing to cough or clear their throat. For this reason, it's a good idea to stay on top of keeping this area as free of flu germs as you possibly can.

Use a disinfectant spray or wipes to make sure that these areas are sanitary. Keep in mind that many flu viruses have a "hang time" of up to 12 hours. A couple of times per day ought to do the trick.

It's Time to Clean Up Your Act

There has never been a more appropriate time to get started on cleaning up your act. The flu season is raging and some of that flu may be Covid-19. Now is definitely not the time to cut corners when it comes to keeping your home clean. These handy measures can help you make sure that your home won't be included on the "super spreader" list.

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