Thursday, February 25, 2021

How Better Sleep Can Improve Your Mental Health?

Improve Your Mental Health

Sleep is important - It's essential to your body, just like breathing, drinking, and eating, and is crucial for maintaining good physical and mental health. Sleeping helps you to recover from physical exertion as well as mental problems.

Health and sleep are strongly related - lack of enough sleep can increase high chances of having poor health, making it harder to nap. Sleep disruptions can be one of the first signs of distress. Most mental health issues like depression and anxiety can often underpin sleep complications.

You can benefit from improving your sleep quality by simply making slight lifestyle or attitude adjustments to help you nap better. Recent research shows that one-third of the population suffers from insomnia or other sleep issues. These affect concentration levels, energy and mood, your relationships, and your ability to function and stay awake at work throughout the day.

Generally, basic techniques can better your sleep. If they don't work, you can consult your physician about other treatments, especially as sleep issues could mean other health problems.

If you keep having sleep complications, there may be a likelihood of an underlying problem, which you should talk with your GP or your bed has a problem. It would help if you bought a comfortable bed like a dm9000s adjustable bed with an independent head tilt to control your pillows, separate chest and leg articulation, and multiple massage timer options.

If you're experiencing poor sleep, below are four simple things to consider to help you improve your sleep:

1. Lifestyle

The foods and drinks you take can affect your nap. Stimulants like nicotine and caffeine can make it difficult to sleep, and a sugary or fatty meal close to bedtime can make you feel uncomfortable while sleeping. Alcohol may help you fall asleep, but unfortunately, it lowers sleep quality. Exercising during the day is also an easy way to help you sleep.

2. Health

By now, you know that poor health affects sleep and vice versa. Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression mostly go hand-in-hand with sleep problems. It's vital to get any health complications addressed both for aiding physical symptoms and addressing any worries that might cause a lack of sleep.

3. Attitude

It's easier to nap when you're able to relax and let go of concerns. We've all had a night where we lie awake and worry. That time before you lay in bed, you should try and wind down, be relaxed, and be less stimulated. A cozy bath, relaxation techniques, or mindfulness practice can all assist. If you realize that you can't nap, it is advisable to get up, perhaps prepare a warm milky drink, and then try again when you feel sleepy. You can be tempted to turn on your phone or TV, but this will stimulate you and make it difficult to nod off.

4. Environment

Where you rest is essential, and the bed and bedroom should be chiefly places you associate with sleep. Specifically, eating, playing with screens or phones, and watching TV in bed can all affect the quality of your sleep. Light, noise levels, and temperature all play a role in determining your sleep. If you notice that you're experiencing poor sleep, try to keep a sleep diary to see if there are patterns that can aid identify a problem.

How Sleep Influences Mental Health

Every 60 minutes, normal slumberer cycles between two main sections of sleep but the length of time spent in one or the other changes as sleep progresses.

When in "quiet" sleep, a person progresses through four phases of increasingly deep sleep. Muscles relax, the body temperatures drop, and breathing and heart rate slow. The most profound stage of quiet sleep creates physiological changes that aids improve immune system functioning.

REM (rapid eye movement) is the other sleep category; it's the period when people dream. Breathing, body temperatures, heart rate, and blood pressure increase to levels measured when people are awake. Studies show that REM sleep enhances memory and learning and contributes to emotional health.

Along with exercise and nutrition, adequate sleep is one of the pillars of health. And for your brain to function well, you need to rest. Remember, the brain carries the master clock and processes emotions, sensations, stimuli—events, among many more.

You can't achieve optimal health without minding your sleep.


6 Tips & Tricks to Get You to Drink More Water

6 Tips For Drinking More Water

Not many people are fans of drinking water. If this is you, then maybe you need to implement some strategies to trick yourself into drinking more water. The recommended dosage is approximately eight 8-oz glasses of water every day. You can try to convince yourself to drink more water using these strategies:

1. Add Lemon

Water can be more pleasurable for you if you add something to it that you like to taste. Many people add lemon wedges to their water so that it won't be so plain. You can try that the next time you have difficulty drinking water. You can also try a lime wedge if lemon isn't quite your desire. It should help you get into the habit of drinking water daily.

2. Make Delicious Teas

Pure water is the best thing for you to get into your body. However, you can still get a decent amount into your body if you drink it in the form of a hot tea. You can go to the grocery store and buy some tasty tea bags to make your tea. Peppermint tea can be a delicious treat for you. You can also try some fruity-tasting teas such as raspberry and cherry. Try to keep the teas as pure as possible. However, it won't be a crime if you want to add a little honey and lemon to your tea. In fact, it might help you to build your immune system.

3. Try Some Sparkling Water

Another alternative that you may want to consider if you really don't like tea is sparkling water. Sparkling water comes in a variety of flavors such as cherry, orange, vanilla and so on. It's carbonated and will remind you of soda. It's much healthier for you than soda is, and it will meet some of the daily requirements for water intake. Nothing is quite as healthy as plain or distilled water is. However, trying sparkling water will get you closer to the habit of drinking the appropriate drinks every day. Try it the next time your hydration levels get low.

4. Drink out of a Special Container

If you want to increase your water intake, you might need to fool yourself a little bit. For example, you can buy yourself a special container that has water in it and then sip from the container several times a day. One idea is to bring a double wall insulated water bottle with you wherever you go. That will get you into the habit of reaching for water frequently. You can start a habit by doing the same thing repeatedly for three to 21 days. Get yourself some nice bottles and get into the habit of drinking the healthiest liquid in the world.

5. Try Sipping Throughout the Day

Some people can't drink entire 8-oz glasses of water at once. You can resolve that problem by sipping. No rule says that you have to slam a glass of water within 60 seconds. You can take as long as you like to take in the water. The goal is to get it into your system any way you can. It might be better for you to sip. Try filling up a bottle and sitting it next to you while you do your schoolwork and other duties. The water will be gone before you even realize it.

6. Drink Cold Water

Another trick you can use to help get yourself into the habit of drinking water is to drink it cold. A cold glass of water first thing in the morning is one of the most beneficial drinks you can have. For one, it will wake you up immediately. Secondly, it will get your metabolism kick-started. Drinking cold water is excellent for losing weight and staying healthy. Try it and see how much you enjoy the nutritious habit.

There are ways to get more water into your body. You just have to think and be strategic. You also have to stay dedicated to your overall health.

Start Getting Your Daily Dose of Water Today

Now you know of some helpful strategies that will give you more incentive to drink water. Start using some of these strategies soon so that you can stay as healthy as possible.


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

3 Ways to Effectively Clean Your Home During Flu Season

Clean Your Home During Flu Season

Coming down with the flu is no one's idea of a good time. It's even worse when you feel immobilized and unable to do all of the little house cleaning actions you are so used to performing. But this doesn't mean you should give up. Here are 3 effective methods that will help you keep your house clean during the dreaded flu season.

1. Use Sanitizer to Wipe Germs Away

Do you have trouble remembering to clean in an adequate fashion when you have the flu? If you're busy dealing with a fever, runny nose, itchy eyes, and the like, it can be hard to remember. But this is an absolutely necessary action that you need to perform. It will go a long way toward helping others avoid the flu you are suffering from.

One of the very best things you can do to keep your home nice and clean is to make good use of an alcohol free hand sanitizer. There are plenty of excellent new models available at your local grocery store or on the world wide web. The ones that don't contain alcohol are best if you have skin that is equally irritated by this particular substance.

You can take a baby wipe or soft towel and gently spray down each area of your home, particularly table and kitchen countertops. This will be a great way to clean up after yourself in case you've had a sneezy fit or runny nose. It will quickly clear away the mess while also keeping the area sanitary for everyone else.

It's a good idea to get into the habit of wiping every surface clean after you have vacated it. This will be a habit that others can pick up from you so that everyone gets into the act. It may seem a little obsessive or compulsive at first. But, when you consider the odds we're all up against, it's well worth the extra bit of fuss.

2. Vacuum Anything and Everything

The surfaces of your house will be prime areas where the flu virus can congregate and multiply. The flu season is the prime time of year when infectious viruses can lay you and your family low. This is all the more true during the past year when the Covid-19 virus has turned into a pandemic that is threatening the health of many millions.

One of the easiest things you can do to keep your home clean during the flu season will be to vacuum anything and everything. This includes every surface that you put your hands or feet on. Give your rugs and carpets vigorous vacuuming every day and don't deviate from this routine. If you're too sick, get a kid to do it for you.

Vacuuming has an immediate effect on germs just as it does on average dirt and grime spots. It's a great way to prepare a surface to be wiped down and disinfected. You can first vacuum up an area, then pour a bit of ammonia on it to finish killing the rest of the germs. It's a tedious but effective strategy that yields excellent results.

3. Wipe Down Your Windows and Doors

A prime area for flu germs that people hardly ever think about will be the windows and doors of your home. This is an area where people are coming and going, often pausing to cough or clear their throat. For this reason, it's a good idea to stay on top of keeping this area as free of flu germs as you possibly can.

Use a disinfectant spray or wipes to make sure that these areas are sanitary. Keep in mind that many flu viruses have a "hang time" of up to 12 hours. A couple of times per day ought to do the trick.

It's Time to Clean Up Your Act

There has never been a more appropriate time to get started on cleaning up your act. The flu season is raging and some of that flu may be Covid-19. Now is definitely not the time to cut corners when it comes to keeping your home clean. These handy measures can help you make sure that your home won't be included on the "super spreader" list.

Monday, February 22, 2021

How Physiotherapy Benefits You In Recovery Process After Surgery?

We all are aware that the immediate life after surgery is not that easy. It takes a lot of time to completely recover from pain and restriction in movement. This is where getting physiotherapy in Edmonton will help you to boost and ease up the recovery process.

Benefits of Physiotherapy after Surgery

A physiotherapist helps patients of all ages who went under surgery in recovery, but unfortunately, many people don’t visit them even after their doctor recommended them. Here are the things that you will be missing if you don’t visit an expert physio after undergoing surgery.

Increase in Mobility

The most irritating problem that patients face after the surgery is restricted mobility. If you are facing this issue, physiotherapy can help you with it. Depending on your need and condition, the therapist will suggest exercises and medications. In some cases, they might also suggest you use devices such as crutches to support you while you recover.

Better Blood Circulation

Physical therapy plays a vital role in improving the blood flow throughout the body which helps in boosting the healing process after the surgery. As the blood carries oxygen and nutrients along with it, the improved circulation will also help with reducing inflammation and pain.

Reduction in Pain

Many people are under the impression that physical therapy sessions will increase the pain, which isn’t true. The exercises and techniques suggested by the therapist during the session help in relaxing the muscles to reduce/alleviate the pain completely.

Better Balance and Muscle Functionality

After surgery, many people face difficulty in retaining balance during the recovery process. The best physiotherapy treatment in Edmonton can help you regain that balance. The therapist will suggest certain exercises to help you. It will allow you to walk around without feeling the fear of falling.

Core Strengthening

The core is one of the most important foundations of the body. It protects you from injuries and also helps with keeping you stable. With the exercises suggested by the therapist in Regenerate Physio, many patients have seen the strengthening of these muscles has improved the overall health of the body.

What to Expect at Each Stage of Recovery

Generally, the post-surgical recovery process is divided into three phases. Here’s how getting physiotherapy in West Edmonton will help you in each of these stages:

Early Recovery Process

It is the phase when you are discharged from the hospital. During this time, the therapist will focus on dealing with the following things:

  • Relieve pain

  • Reduction in swelling

  • Therapy to restore range of motion

  • Help in restoring balance

  • Exercises to regain muscle mobility

Strengthening and Improving Range of Motion Phase

Once you have achieved a significant relief in pain and reduction in inflammation, the next step is to work on strengthening the body. During this phase, expert physio focuses on:

  • Intermediate level strength exercises

  • Balance exercises

  • Aggressive therapy to improve range of motion

  • Soft tissue treatment

Functional Restoration Phase

During this last recovery phase, you will work on the following:

  • Aggressive exercises to meet complex functional goal

  • Manual therapy to restore the range of motion (if it hasn’t happened yet)

These are the benefits and phases that you can expect during physiotherapy in Edmonton.  After the session, you will see a great improvement in pain-relief and range of motion.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

15 foods to stay healthy longer

The Best 15 Healthy Foods

Knowing how to choose what you put on your plate can earn you years of good health. These 15 foods are essential to eat a healthy diet.

1. Integral rice

Brown rice is a food low in sodium and rich in potassium, which helps to normalize blood pressure and prevent hypertension. Its fiber content reduces cholesterol, since it absorbs its excess and eliminates it through the intestine. It also speeds up transit and prevents constipation. In addition, it contains selenium, a mineral that delays the action of free radicals, those responsible for cellular aging. 

2. Apples

With apples all are virtues: they fight fatigue, stress and depressive states. Its flavonoids prevent cholesterol from being deposited in the arteries, thus preventing heart attacks. In addition, raw and with skin, it fights constipation; peeled and grated (once the pulp has darkened) is effective against diarrhea. And if you want a good morning energy boost and you don't feel like coffee, an apple will get your body activated. Why? The fruit contains fructose, which is slowly transformed into energy and manages to activate us throughout the day. It only contributes 48 kcal per 100 g.

3. Kiwi

Kiwi is a food very rich in vitamin C. In fact, it is 50% more than orange, did you know? This fruit behaves as an antioxidant. According to the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), taking large amounts of vitamin C helps reduce the risk of lung, breast and colon cancer. Its vitamin C also helps reduce stress and anxiety, making it a great ally for our body. You can easily get it with discount codes

4. Mussels

Mussels have more iron than meat, making it an excellent food to prevent anemia. They are also rich in magnesium, which fights decay. Its caloric intake is very low, as well as its fat and cholesterol content. 

5. Lemon

Lemon enhances the protective action of the foods it accompanies. For example, a study from the University of Lucknow found that adding a lemon juice to green tea increased the antioxidant power of the drink. On the other hand, with milk it decreased. This antioxidant power is explained by its richness in limonene, with anti-cancer properties and with a great capacity to reduce the risk of degenerative diseases. 

6. Beet

A study from Wake Forest University (USA) found that eating beets every day helps improve brain health in older people. In addition, it is a food rich in anthocyanins and flavonoids, which prevent the appearance and growth of tumors. It is delicious raw, although if you are looking for alternatives, try it as a smoothie as well. 

7. Salmon

Being rich in vitamin B12, salmon helps the proper functioning of the central nervous system and fights fatigue, making it ideal in times of fatigue. Its omega 3 fatty acids increase the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), which improves mood and prevents stress and cognitive decline. 

8. Lentils

Lentils contain a lot of iron (100 g provide 8.2 mg), so they help fight anemia. If you also combine them with foods that contain vitamin C, such as a tomato salad or a little parsley, the iron will be better absorbed. They are also very satiating, and avoid constant snacking, which promotes overweight. They contain folic acid, a vitamin that lowers homocysteine ​​levels, a cardiovascular risk factor.

9. Dates

Dates have nutritional properties similar to wine, as they contain tannins, antioxidants that help prevent degenerative diseases. They also reduce bad cholesterol because they prevent its absorption and reduce inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. 

10. Quinoa

This pseudocereal is rich in essential amino acids such as tyrosine and glycine, which have a sedative effect on the nervous system and therefore help you relax. It is also very rich in kaempferol. According to a review by the University of Seville , a diet rich in this substance reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. 

11. Oats

Oatmeal stimulates the thyroid, which participates in the metabolism of fats and helps to burn them. It is also rich in phytosterols, such as avenasterol or beta-sitosterol, which lower cholesterol and protect the heart, as well as prevent breast, colon or prostate cancer. 

12. Almonds

They strengthen the immune system thanks to vitamin E and zinc. They also stand out in B vitamins, specifically riboflavin or vitamin B2, which provides energy, promotes the formation of antibodies and red blood cells, and improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Even with this you can easily lose your weight burning calories on a treadmill.

13. Onion

Contains quercetin, a natural antihistamine against allergies. Studies have shown that regular onion consumers have greater protection against cancer thanks to its sulfur compounds and flavonoids, with antioxidant properties. 

14. Curd

It has less calcium than aged cheeses, but it is better assimilated because it is less fatty. This lower proportion of saturated fat prevents overweight and cardiovascular problems. In addition, it is a food very rich in protein, since it is a dairy derivative.

15. Parsley

It is a very diuretic plant, so it improves kidney health. This function is due to the action of apiol, a substance that helps eliminate fluids, toxins and grit from the kidneys. It also whets your appetite and can be used as a booster to help treat eating disorders. In addition, it is one of the vegetables with the most iron and vitamin C. And, as it is rich in chlorophyll, chewing its fresh leaves prevents bad breath.

No single food can improve health. But there are foods that improve cholesterol, hypertension, prevent inflammation or calm nerves, a cardiovascular risk factor. They are not extraordinary. They are common foods, but they work as a shield that keeps you safe from disease. If you are in good health now, it is time to take your diet seriously, because a good selection of foods will help you stay away from diseases.


Diet is more decisive than genetics or luck. Scientists have discovered genes that make people more vulnerable to high cholesterol, and if they are sedentary and do not watch their diet they are much more likely to develop the problem. However, if your diet is made up of healthy foods, your genes don't matter. The same can be said for hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and many other diseases.


Most disorders are due to relatively long processes. That now we are healthy does not mean that our way of eating is correct. The effects can take years to come to light. 


We all know if we tend to catch colds or gain kilos, for example. We already present you 15 super healthy foods and the disorders they prevent. But if you thought that this list was limited only to those foods ... you still don't know us well! So that you can enjoy a varied and healthy diet, we have prepared this second part, which includes other foods that will help you live longer and better.


These are the 15 new allies for your health. It will be very easy for you to include them in your daily diet. And we have selected very common foods, such as brown rice, parsley, lemon or lentils, which are very important for the proper functioning of the body. And others, not so common, but very "fashionable", so it will be very easy to find them, such as quinoa or oats.

You may find it difficult to include new "characters" in your weekly menus, since you may not know how to prepare them. Don't worry, because in our recipe section you can discover a multitude of ways to cook and serve these foods.


Selena is a blogger and a guest contributor for a well-known brand that includes MESHEBLE. In her leisure time, she plays tennis.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

How to Escape from Chronic Back Pain?

How to Escape from Chronic Back Pain?

If you've been having chronic back pain, chances are you've tried several solutions to fix the problem. Depending on the severity of your pain and your previous medical condition(s), your doctor may recommend a combination of natural and conventional treatments to alleviate your pain. Here are some solutions you may want to consider to make your chronic back pain a thing of the past.

1. Adjust Your Lifestyle

If you know you're dealing with chronic back pain, you'll have to make some adjustments to fit your lifestyle and lower your chance of back injury. Don't try to take all the groceries in the house at one time. Instead, make several trips if you need to. Don't overdo it when you're working out. Listen to your body and take breaks any time you start to feel too much pain or pressure. You can also modify or do away with some of the habits that could be contributing to your pain. If you're a smoker, talk to your doctor about ways to kick the habit. Nicotine has been known to slow the healing process and worsen the pain. You should also be mindful of how much alcohol you're consuming. While a glass of red wine or two can reduce inflammation, too much alcohol dehydrates the body and could make your pain worse.

2. A Healthy Diet

If you experience back pain often, you may want to take a look at your diet. There are several common foods that lead to inflammation, so if you're eating processed foods that contain white flour or sugar, eliminating them from your diet can significantly alleviate your back pain. Be sure your diet is filled with lots of fruits and vegetables, since these build your immune system and protect your body from free radicals. Healthy foods also help you manage your weight, which takes the pressure off of the muscles and joints in and around your spine. This is crucial for eliminating back pain as well.

3. Mindfulness Meditation

Back pain is not just a physical inconvenience; it can also take a toll on your mental and emotional state. Practicing meditation regularly can reduce the frustration and anxiety you feel about your ongoing back pain and train you to relax your mind and body so you won't so intently on the pain.

4. Physical Therapy

If you're waking up every day with chronic pain in your back, exercise could help relieve some of the tension and discomfort. It's a good idea to meet with a physical therapist at least once a month. You should also make time to schedule exercise sessions at home so you can continue relieving pain from your muscles and improving your flexibility. Physical therapy also helps you maintain better posture which takes some of the pressure off your spinal joints.

5. Surgery

If you've tried natural remedies and haven't found any long-term relief, you may want to speak with your doctor about the types of minimally invasive spine surgery that is right for you.

This type of surgery stabilizes the joints in your spine and strengthens the vertebrae, which reduces pressure on the nerves in your spine. If you've experienced a herniated disc or have scoliosis, this type of operation may be beneficial for you.

Minimally invasive surgery is often safer and is quicker than conventional back surgeries. You'll lose less blood and there's a lower risk of muscle damage. You may also experience a shorter recovery time, which means you can get back to doing the things you love faster. If the surgery is minimally invasive, you likely won't have many visible scars, which means you can feel confident wearing certain outfits or swimwear after surgery. While you're healing, you'll also have a lower risk of pain after your operation and the likelihood of infection is lower with minimally invasive surgery as well.

It may take a combination of solutions to permanently get rid of your chronic back pain. Each time you try a remedy, pay attention to the way your body feels and keep your physician aware of any supplements or natural remedies you're using to reduce your pain. Consider your current state of health and any medications you're taking to determine if surgery is the ideal solution for your chronic back pain.

A Brief History of Telemedicine and Its Benefits

History of Telemedicine & Benefits

Telemedicine is a relatively new way of visiting health professionals. From medication renewals to appointments concerning common flu symptoms and even mental therapy, you can experience a wide range of services more easily with its help. Telemedicine is a virtual method of visiting your healthcare specialists through video and audio technology, typically over their company software. It is a relatively common way of receiving healthcare nowadays. It’s important to understand telemedicine so it can be a possibility for you.

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1. The Legality of Telemedicine

 2020 was a big year for telemedicine in many ways. Legally, most states created brand new laws for telemedicine that loosened their medical practice and prescription-writing policies. Some were meant to last only temporarily (for the duration of the pandemic), but as the ease of telemedicine begins to catch more attention, some laws will likely become permanent.

These new laws helped create a brand new system for care and helped many people get attention during the global pandemic - critical since so many people had to be isolated in their homes. Telemedicine licensing varies from state to state, so if telemedicine is something that interests you, do proper research on your state’s regulations or ask your medical provider for options.

2. Time Convenience and Other Benefits

Telemedicine is a highly-beneficial alternative to some forms of in-person care. It is cheaper than an in-person visit and saves you a lot of time, not to mention your doctor - a welcomed perk due to the growing physician shortage. Waiting rooms and medical delays are much less common with telemedicine, as everything is prepared before the appointment. It is also an excellent option for a private medical experience or for an easier experience for a person who is physically limited. The patient can learn about their treatment options within just a few minutes and address many common health issues quickly with telemedicine urgent care. Overall, it is incredibly convenient to both you as the patient and the healthcare professional.

Receiving medical care online is nothing new, even before the popularity of telemedicine. Websites like AR MMJ Cards can provide you medical help online as well. AR MMJ Cards specializes in Medical Cannabis Services.

3. Price of telemedicine

If money is an important factor to you, telemedicine may be a more viable option than traveling to see your doctor in person. While a routine in-person appointment costs around $146 on average, the average telemedicine appointment costs only approximately $79. And don’t fear a lacking in the quality of care. The physical disconnect between you and your health provider isn’t as damaging as it may seem for the conditions that telemedicine is designed for. You can discuss your symptoms with your doctor, get prescriptions, and in the case that you need medical equipment to monitor your condition, they can have the medical equipment sent to you and monitor you remotely. Quality of care is often preserved just fine by telemedicine alternatives.

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4. Coronavirus and Telemedicine

During the lockdown, some people are making positive changes to their lifestyle. Many are exercising in the safety of their own home and taking more time to concentrate on their mental health. If you live a more active lifestyle, that’s fantastic, but you must stay on track with your routine doctor visits and make sure you are staying healthy below the surface as well.

Due to the global pandemic, seeing your doctor in-person can be nerve-racking or dangerous, especially for those with compromised immune systems. Telemedicine, of course, removes that worry, as you can see your doctor and still be quarantined in your home.

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If you need more convenient care, finding a telemedicine-capable specialist is as easy as a Google search or a call to your doctor’s office. Receiving proper health care is a human right. In our current world of COVID-19, it is important you feel safe getting help from your doctor, even if it is just a routine checkup. Receiving your medical assistance online is something many other people participate in and is often even preferred for its convenience. Book a telemedicine appointment with one of many telemedicine-able specialists to get the care you need while staying safe and comfortable.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

What is CBD Skincare and Is it Worth it?

What is CBD Skincare

What is CBD skincare products - health blogs write for us - cbd guest posts - fit and safety

You’d be hard-pressed to not see CBD being advertised or to hear your friends discussing the many benefits of this multifaceted hemp oil extract these days. Maybe your bestie puts a few tincture droplets in her morning cup of coffee when she’s feeling super stressed, or perhaps you know someone who infuses CBD into their pup’s doggy treats. Most likely, you’ve heard at least something about the benefits of CBD as a pain reliever, anxiety and depression reducer, and much more.

Today we’ll be discussing CBD skincare and why we think it’s definitely worth it… That is when you buy the right, high-quality products.

What is CBD anyway?

Let’s start with a brief and easily understood definition of what exactly CBD is. CBD, more formally known as Cannabidiol, is a natural chemical found in cannabis plants. Yes, marijuana plants. But, no, CBD does not get you ‘high.’ CBD is the second of the two active ingredients of cannabis. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the one that might be responsible for making you eat an entire carton of Ben and Jerry’s (but here’s nothing wrong with that)!

On the other hand, CBD is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis and, according to an article by Forbes, has been proven to have many incredible health benefits, like anxiety and chronic pain relief, reducing inflammation, and assisting with insomnia and epilepsy.

CBD: Good For Your Skin?

Well, yes. As it turns out, CBD’s benefits extend far beyond addressing nervous system issues. Cannabidiol is actually known for its healing properties in treating various skin problems such as dryness, free radical damage, acne, and inflammation. According to Forbes, there is also evidence that CBD can help treat eczema and psoriasis.

The reason CBD has started to be used to treat patients with acne is that it helps to reduce the production of sebum in the skin. Sebum is an oily substance produced by your body that’s responsible for contributing to clogged pores and pesky breakouts. Overproduction of sebum might be a cause of facial acne.

As in all cases of CBD research, CBD skincare is still in its early stages and there’s a limited amount of information on the far-reaching benefits of CBD skincare products. As more people begin to use CBD skincare, more research will help us determine how CBD skincare can be used to treat various skin issues.

CBD’s main feature as an anti-inflammatory agent makes CBD a no-brainer when it comes to anti-aging treatment. Think of CBD as rejuvenating skincare, capable of visibly minimizing fine lines that are a result of aging and sun exposure. Although you can find great medical-grade alternatives, CBD is a more natural way to address skin concerns.

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What different types of CBD skincare products should I be on the lookout for?

CBD skincare products can come in several different forms. You may be someone who benefits from a weekly CBD face mask designed to refresh and rejuvenate your skin in just one single use! These masks are capable of using CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties to calm your skin in a matter of minutes.

Another popular CBD skincare product to be on the lookout for is a CBD muscle balm or salve. Used most typically as a topical pain reliever, you’re also encouraged to apply these products to anywhere on your body that feels dry, including lips and hands.

Some people prefer to incorporate several tincture drops of their favorite CBD oil into their daily moisturizing lotion. Since topical CBD doesn’t enter the bloodstream, you can be liberal with the amount you use on your skin each day.

A high-quality CBD serum is another option to include in your CBD skincare product arsenal. High-quality CBD serum helps fight free-radical damage and can even reverse sun damage. Apply this beneficial serum to your beautiful face twice a day and watch as you reap the mighty rewards of enhanced and glowing skin.

How do I choose the right CBD skincare products?

All CBD skincare is not created equal. CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD as it doesn’t contain any other compounds found in hemp. When searching for the CBD skincare products that are right for you, make sure you do your research and find a company that prioritizes CBD isolate.

There are plenty of companies who use subpar ingredients in their products, claiming to be one thing when they are actually something else entirely. Buying from these companies is risky as the extra ingredients they put in their products to compensate for the lack of pure CBD may have the opposite of the desired effect.

As always, do your research and shop for your CBD skincare with caution. Make sure you’re purchasing from a company that uses CBD isolate to create its products. Find a company that prioritizes using premium medicinal-grade hemp that’s organically grown. The company you buy from should be all about transparency— from the origin of the hemp they use to what else they use to make the products you’ll be putting on your skin.

Author bio:

Jasmine Khachatrian, Founder and President of Kanavia Organics. Jasmine is a California-licensed Physician Assistant, and has 25 years of experience in providing healthcare in Los Angeles County.

5 Soy Recipes Everyone Is Craving For!

Top 5 Soy Recipes

High in protein, iron, fiber, and other essential nutrients, soya products are undoubtedly healthy, and they can be delicious too. We’ve put together five tasty recipe ideas for you to try.

1. Oat and Soy Pancakes

Oat and Soy Pancakes - Soy Recipes - Health Geust Blogs write for us - fit and safety

The United States Soybean Export Council, USSEC, has been working hard to ensure only the highest quality, most sustainable products are ending up on your dinner table.

If you’re looking for a savory breakfast recipe, look no further. This oat and soy pancake recipe is protein-rich and simple.


  • 200 grams oats

  • 150 grams soy flour

  • 2 chilis

  • 1 teaspoon coriander

  • 1 teaspoon ginger garlic paste


  1. Soak the oats in water for about 30-45 minutes to soften them.

  2. Combine all ingredients to form a batter.

  3. The batter should be easy to pour. Add water if it’s too thick.

  4. Heat oil in a non-stick pan.

  5. Pour the desired amount of batter into the pan.

  6. Cook this on both sides until medium brown.

  7. Serve hot with the sauce, chutney, or curd of your choice.

2. Soya Soup

Soya Soup - Soy Recipes - Health Geust Blogs write for us - fit and safety

Looking for something fast, filling, and tasty for dinner on a busy weeknight? Soya soup might be just the thing for you.


  • 1 cup soya chunks

  • 2 cups vegetable stock

  • 1 cup green papaya pieces, peeled, de-seeded, and cut into medium-sized pieces

  • 1 large carrot, cut into chunks

  • 1 tomato, cut into wedges

  • 6-8 French beans, stringed and cut into one-inch pieces

  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Soak the soya chunks in hot, salted water for 10-15 mins until soft.

  2. Once the soya chunks are soft, drain the water and squeeze any excess from the chunks.

  3. Heat the butter and fry the soaked soya chunks for one minute.

  4. Now, mix in the vegetables and stir fry for 2-3 minutes.

  5. In the same pan, add the stock and half a cup of water. Lower the heat and bring the stock, soya chunks, and vegetables to boil.

  6. Add salt and pepper to taste.

  7. Continue to simmer the soup for a further 2-3 minutes.

  8. Serve hot.

If you’re new to cooking with soya, you may be wondering what a soya chunk is. Soya chunks are made from soy flour, which is leftover after the oil has been extracted from the beans. You’ll usually see them dehydrated and sold in bags.

3. Chili Soya Nuggets

Chili Soya Nuggets - Soy Recipes - Health Geust Blogs write for us - fit and safety

If you’re looking to add some heat to your soya, consider this chili soy nuggets recipe.


  • 500 grams soy nuggets

  • 2 teaspoon soy sauce

  • 2 pieces spring onions

  • 2 tablespoons garlic paste

  • 2 medium green peppers

  • 1/2 teaspoon Ajinomoto (optional)

  • 3 teaspoon vinegar

  • 4 pieces green chili

  • 3 tablespoon vegetable oil

  • Salt to taste

  • 2 tablespoon of cornflour

  • 1 1/2 tablespoon ketchup


  1. With your hands, thoroughly mix soya chunks, cornflour, salt, and garlic paste in a bowl. Set aside.

  2. Heat oil in a pan over medium flame. Once the oil heats sufficiently, add in the marinated soya chunks. Fry and then remove from heat.

  3. Heat the oil left after frying the soya chunks. Once the oil is heated, add chopped onions, chopped green peppers, and chopped green chilies. Saute for a minute and then add the remaining ingredients. Cook this mix for 3-5 minutes.

  4. Finally, add the fried soya nuggets and cook for a minute or two.

  5. Serve hot.

4. Soya Chunks Pulao

Soya Chunks Pulao - Soy Recipes - Health Geust Blogs write for us - fit and safety

Once again, taking advantage of soya chunks’ highly-adaptable nature, this pulao recipe is quick and easy.


  • 1/2 cup basmati rice

  • 1/2 cup dried soya chunks

  • 1/4 cup finely chopped carrots

  • 1/4 cup green peas, either fresh or frozen

  • 1/2 cup cumin seeds

  • 1 bay leaf

  • 2 or 3 black peppercorns

  • 1 small bit of a cinnamon stick

  • 2 to 3 cloves

  • 1 thinly sliced medium onion

  • 1 finely chopped green chili

  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder (optional)

  • 1 and 1/4 cups water

  • Salt

  • 1 tablespoon of oil or ghee

  • 2 tablespoons of chopped coriander leaves for garnish (optional)


  1. Rinse rice thoroughly and soak for 15-20 minutes.

  2. Rinse and soak the soya chunks in hot water until they have doubled in size. Drain excess water and rinse them again.

  3. In a non-stick pan with a lid, heat the oil or ghee.

  4. Add cumin seeds, bay leaf, peppercorns, cinnamon, and cloves. Cook until cumin seeds sizzle, then add onion and green chili. Saute until the onion turns translucent.

  5. Add carrots and peas, saute for 2-3 minutes.

  6. Drain excess water from soaked rice and add to the pan. Add soya chunks and turmeric powder as well. Mix and saute over medium heat for 2 minutes.

  7. Add water and salt, bring to boil.

  8. Reduce heat to low, cover with the lid, and cook for 10 minutes.

  9. After the 10 minutes are up, turn off the heat but let sit for 7-8 minutes.

  10. Fluff with a fork, garnish with coriander leaves if desired, and serve hot.

5. Vanilla Soy Pudding

Last but not least, a nutritious and tasty soy dessert recipe.


  • 1/4 ounce unflavored gelatin

  • 1/4 cup cold water

  • 1 1/4 cup vanilla soy milk

  • 1 cup tofu

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla


  1. In a small bowl, sprinkle gelatin over cold water and stir to dissolve. Let sit for 10 minutes.

  2. Heat soy milk.

  3. Place tofu, vanilla, gelatin, and hot milk in a blender, and blend until smooth.

  4. Pour into four containers and refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours.

Hungry yet? We sure are. Give these recipes a try.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

How to Introduce Healthy Habits into Your Life?

Top 10 Healthy Habits For Your Life

Healthy habits are the foundation of all fitness related goals. The most challenging part of building healthy habits is knowing where to start. Keep these three things in mind, and you will be well on your way to success.

  • Make your habits easy.

  • Make your habits fun.

  • Make your habit efficient.

1. Make It Easy

The only way to build a habit is to do it repeatedly. I know it is tempting to start big, especially in the beginning when your motivation is at its higher. But remember, the more challenging the task, the less likely you will succeed in making it a habit. Start small, then gradually increase the difficulty of your habits.

2. Start Small

Don't start with a big habit. Break your goals down into the smallest possible action.

  • Drink a glass of water immediately after waking up.

  • Eat one fruit or vegetable with every meal.

  • Stretch for 5 minutes in the morning and night.

  • Get in bed 10 minutes earlier.

Once something becomes a habit, you can make it more difficult or add another habit.

4. Easily Repeatable

Consistency is the key to any fitness goal. Ambitious habits that you only do once or twice before quitting do you no good. Only build easily repeatable habits.

Difficult habits to build are also a problem due to the risk of burnout. Make sure the habits you choose are not overly difficult. Burnout is the enemy of all fitness goals. Avoid it at all costs.

5. Build on It

Once you have an easy and repeatable habit, it is time to build on it. There are two types of habits that you can build on.

  1. Habits you can do together

  2. Habits that help other habits

If you build the habit of drinking water as soon as you wake up, you can add five minutes of stretching to that. That would be an example of killing two birds with one stone.

Building diet and sleep-related habits are a great example of how habits can work together. Improving your diet and sleep will give you more energy throughout the day. Having more energy will make everything else you attempt significantly easier.

6. Make It Fun

Living a healthy lifestyle is a big-time commitment. There is no way around it. If you are going to commit a lot of time to something, you might as well make it something fun.

No matter how motivated you are, willpower is limited. Things that you enjoy, or at least don't hate, are much more likely to become lifelong habits. Build fun habits and save your willpower for other, more important things.

7. Make It Efficient

Time is precious, so don't waste it. Pick habits that give you the most bang for your buck.

8. Get Help

There are many apps that can help you build fitness habits. A fitness app can give you everything from weekly workouts to healthy recipes.

The best part of getting help is that it allows you to think less about fitness. You can spend more time and energy on building sustainable habits.

Getting help will also improve your motivation levels. Staying motivated is especially important early before your habits really sink in.

9. Lift Weights

A lot of people think of diet and cardio when it comes to losing weight. However, it is a mistake to ignore weights. Most people know that strength training will make you stronger. But, strength training for fat loss is also effective.

Strength training increases muscle mass, and increasing muscle mass increases your metabolism. Building the habit of lifting weights 2–3 times a week will pay off in a big way.

10. Diet and Sleep

Drinking more water, eating more fruits and vegetables, and sleeping more are all extremely efficient habits. They will provide you with more energy. Having more energy helps you in literally every aspect of your life.

Building sustainable healthy habits take a fair amount of time and energy. That's not a problem because fitness is a lifelong pursuit. Taking the time to build sustainable healthy habits will pay off for your entire lifetime.

The Best PEMF Portable Machines in 2021

PEMF Portable Machines The healthcare system has evolved over the decades with the introduction of several new techniques and devices that i...