7 Lifestyle Changes With Big Health Benefits
You might be having plenty of vegetables and protein. But does that mean you have a healthy lifestyle? Unfortunately, living healthy is way more complex than just eating or exercising right. There are always some minor changes you can make to your schedule to reap significant benefits. A lifestyle change can save you from many diseases like obesity, diabetes and even depression.
Although old habits die hard, you can always take one step forward to new and better habits. The best time to start is now. The quarantine can give you some extra time to focus on yourself, so make the most of it! If you stick with these habits long enough, they'll become a part of your daily routine. Check out these seven lifestyle changes. They might seem trivial, but they will have big health benefits in the long run.
1. Make Sleep a Priority
It is extremely important to sleep at least 7-9 hours everyday. Lack of sleep can have a lot of side effects. For starters, skipping one hour of sleep each night increases your risk of obesity by 23 percent. While 40% of women and 30% of men suffer from insomnia, there are always ways to fix it. Try investing in relaxing essential oils & cutting off distractions.Alternatively,Dry red wine is a great option to sweep the tension off your body and help you sleep.

2. Move Often
There's no better way to sleep fresh and awake other than a quick og and a shower. A recent study says that exercising will negate the unhealthy impacts of sitting around too much. If you have a busy office job that has you sitting around too much, get moving whenever you find the time. Take morning walks, a walk to your office or a flight of stairs instead of the lift. Walking is the easiest form of exercise to incorporate in your busy daily schedule.
3. Nourish Your Body
Diet is the most important factor that affects our body. There’s a big difference between well-fed and well-nourished though. Making sure that your everyday lifestyle has a perfectly balanced diet goes a long way in living a healthy life. Consider planning to have fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plant-based protein in your daily schedule. Believe it or not, a nourishing diet has shown to improve the quality of living significantly.

4. Take Supplements
There's a lot of stigma surrounding what supplements to take, what not to take or to even having them at all. However, scientists have repeatedly stressed the fact that they offer a healthier gut and better immune system. If you cannot incorporate a particular mineral in your diet, supplements like zinc, protein and vitamin c would ensure you get proper nutrition. Consult your healthcare provider before taking supplements. Here's a complete guide to dietary supplements by the National Institute of Health.
5. Stay Hydrated
Human body is composed of 70 percent water, and it's difficult to stress enough on the importance of staying hydrated. Drink water like your life depends on it because in some ways it does. There are major harms of having a dehydrated body. Ideally, it is said that you should always have around eight glasses of water per day. Try having a glass of water as soon as you wake up to remind yourself. If you're a forgetful one, try checking out other helpful methods like setting a reminder and carrying a water bottle around. There are a lot of mobile apps that can help you remember to drink enough water every day.

6. Recheck Beauty Labels
The beauty industry is expansive but equally toxic. Many beauty products contain a vast number of chemicals that slowly erode and damage the skin cells. This could leave your skin vulnerable to disease like skin cancer. So a friendly reminder to skincare lovers: check the labels of all the beauty products you buy. Be especially wary of products that contain parabens, sulphates, formaldehyde, fragrance and phthalates. Check out this list to ensure you're crossing out every toxic product in your cabinet. Try switching to organic brands that use natural ingredients like coconut, ylang-ylang or lavender.
7. Manage Daily Stress
Around one in four Canadian workers have admitted to being 'a little' to 'extremely' stressed on a regular working day. Stress affects your mind and body in various negative ways. You might start feeling unproductive and anxious. Stress also shoots up your cortisol levels and if excessive, can have serious impacts on your health, mood and job performance. To ensure that it does not happen, you need to learn to notice when and what makes you stressed. If you're following all the earlier steps, half the work is already done. You can further try communicating with close friends, scheduling 'free time' for hobbies, and taking frequent breaks.

Your lifestyle choices are more commanding than your genes. It's never too late to start a new and healthy habit. Although it is difficult to kill bad habits, try remembering the long-term effects and keep moving forward. The step that's more difficult than starting a habit is to maintain a habit. Plan and challenge yourself to stay motivated. Don't be afraid of setbacks, it is more important that you don't give up on trying. This quarantine is the perfect time to incorporate changes and live better. Good luck and stay safe!
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